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Inclusion Manager and SENDCO: Mr R Jones

At Wesley Methodist Primary School we have a fully inclusive approach to the education, and involvement, of all children so that they can access, experience, and flourish within the whole curriculum. We believe that all children have a right to a broad, balanced and relevant education, which provides continuity and progression and takes individual differences into account. Therefore, school is strongly committed to ensuring that all children receive high quality first teaching, so they can reach their full potential, regardless of any additional challenges or barriers they may face.

As part of our inclusive strategy, children will be educated within their classroom for the majority of the lesson. However, some interventions, or precision teaching, may take place outside the classroom, in order to be further personalised. We aim to provide a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs and abilities of all our children. We plan our teaching and learning in such a way that we enable each child to reach for the highest level of personal achievement. 

The four areas of SEND are identified in the Code of Practice as:

  1. Communication, language and interaction
  2. Cognition and learning
  3. Social, emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) development
  4. Sensory and Physical

The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014 gives guidance to schools in meeting the needs of pupils. It sets out how help should be given in a step-by-step approach. As parent/carer, you will be consulted at all stages of this graduated approach (please see link below) and staff will inform you of the additional work they do with your child. The link below provides more information about the Bury Council's local offer to SEND:

SEND Local Offer In Bury (

How will staff at Wesley Methodist support my child?

We have an experienced team of staff who are passionate about being inclusive, they will be involved in supporting your child at Wesley. These include:

· Your child's class teacher, who will make sure that the tasks set for are appropriate and accessible for your child. The class teacher will inform the parent/carer of any additional provision and targets that may need to be set.

· Teaching Assistants or Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTA) who support children in class and carry out some of the interventions.

· The Inclusion Manager will ensure the school is effective in its arrangements and provision for children with SEND, attending regular local authority meetings/ training and keeping up to date with any national changes, Ofsted guidance and disseminating to all staff in school.

· Dr M Horne, our Governor for SEND, works with the Inclusion Manager in leading SEND throughout the school. The Governors receive a termly report from the Inclusion Manager to keep them updated with provision in school.

· Staff from other agencies can work in school to support children with a particular focus. For example, Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Targeted Support Service (TESS), Outreach and Educational Psychologist.

All support, whether from a specialist agency or within school, is reviewed on a regular basis with the Inclusion Manager, the class teacher, and/or any other adults involved. Parents will receive reports carried out by specialist services and given updates at parent's evening and/or 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' meeting with the class teacher, depending on what has been agreed.

Local Authority funding and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan)

School (or parent/carers) can apply for additional funding from the local authority if school, parents and professionals feel that it will be appropriate to meet any additional needs. This is called Targeted Individial Support (TIS) funding, Early Year Resource funding (EYAR) or Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). The Inclusion manager and/or Local Authority can make the referrals for the necessary funding alongside the parent/carer.

An EHCP plan brings together all the professionals that work with your child and ensure that your child's needs are being met as much as possible. This could mean funding, extra staff time, special equipment and/or attendance at a school with specialised resourced support. This additional provision will be reviewed annually (Annual Review), or sooner if required, and would normally include parents, class teacher, key worker (where applicable), Inclusion Manager, pupil and other external agencies that work with your child. More details about EHCP plans, personalised budgets and the Annual Review process are available on the local authority website, see link below.

Where provision and support for children exceeds £6,000 per year, an Education Health and Care Plan may be considered for additional funding. This process is completed by the school and parents are kept up to date throughout the process. An EHC Plan can be applied for at any time, following the Graduated Approach.Parent/carers may also apply via the Local Authority.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?

All children in school receive quality first teaching. This means that a range of teaching and learning styles are used and appropriate learning objectives are set for all children with a curriculum matched to their needs. All of our year groups are supported by teaching assistants, and pupils can participate in ELO's, interventions or small group work when necessary.

At Wesley Methodist Primary School the progress and attainment of all children is reviewed on a half termly basis by class teachers and members of the Senior Leadership Team, at which time provision may be adjusted to meet identified needs. The Inclusion Manager is in contact with all staff regularly, but carries out an official meeting with the class teacher termly to discuss children in each class that have a SEND and update on their information, progress and reports.

How will both you and I know how my child is doing, and how will you help me support my child's learning?

We will know if a pupil will need help if concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, professionals or the child; limited progress is being made; or if there is a change in the pupil's social, emotional, mental health needs or progress.

You will be informed about your child's general progress and targets through the two parents' evenings and annual end of year report. You will be informed of how your child's learning is assessed and planned and what support you may be able to provide at home.

The class teacher and/or Inclusion Manager may speak to you more regularly depending on the need and progress.

If you are concerned about your child please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible - you do not have to wait until a parent's evening to talk to a member of staff about your child. The class teacher will inform the Inclusion Manager.

At Wesley we understand that you have a valuable understanding of your child's needs and wishes and we aim to involve you in every aspect of the decision making progress. Home School Communications Books are used for some children if staff and parents feel that this is appropriate.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?

At Wesley we support every child's wellbeing on a number of different levels and in a number of different ways. All children and parents are encouraged to follow 'Our School Rules' and 'Methodist Values'.

We have a Pastoral Manager who provides support to children with SEND where appropriate. They also support behaviour and attendance. If a child has a medical need, there are trained first aiders available through school

The Inclusion Manager and Pastoral Manager facilitate the pupil voice, where children have opportunities to share their views about their provision. They may do this through communication with their class teacher, support assistant or filling in a pupil voice sheet. There is a parent questionnaire for SEND on the school website for all parents to share their views.

We have many outdoor learning opportunities for the children including access for all to our Forest School and community allotment. We also host a termly wellbeing day for all children.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Wesley Methodist?

As part of our support for all children in school we consult and liaise with all relevant professionals within our local authority.

Relevant professionals may include:

  • Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) who works regularly in and out of school to assess and support children.
  • Educational Psychologist (EP) may offer advice or complete an assessment for a child if necessary.
  • Early Help worker (EH)  cab provide support for children, young people and their families to respond when difficulties emerge or to stop problems developing in the future. This support can be provided at any point in a child's life to stop small problems getting bigger.
  • Outreach Worker from specialist provision schools in the local authority can offer support to children and staff in school about a child's specific need and/or school training needs.
  • We also work with Secondary Schools SENDCOs to ensure a successful transition to Year 7. When children are moving to a new school we can arrange extra transition visits. Parents are encouraged to visit the new school and ask any questions they have that may be specific to their child. The SENDCO liaises closely with other schools to ensure continuity of provision.
  • GP's/ Hospital professionals/Paediatricians, etc
  • Ethnic Minority Achievement Support (EMAS)
  • Local Authority SEND team and Early Years SEND team

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

At Wesley we pride ourselves on our inclusive policy and ethos. All children are given the opportunity and encouraged to go on school trips and take part in all activities in and out of the classroom. Thorough risk assessments are carried out for any out of school trip or activities. Individual risk assessments can be made for children with SEND that require a more personalised approach. The local authority sets out ratios for adults to children according to age groups, however if a class teacher feels additional support is required then this will be provided. This may be in the form of another member of staff, a volunteer or a parent. If it is a specific child with an additional need, school will involve the parent in planning the activity or trip. 

How accessible is Wesley Methodist?

Wesley is accessible for all due to the open-plan layout of the building. An audit of the accessibility is carried out every 3 years by an external company. If you wish to see the audit report, please contact the school.

From the audit report, an accessibility action plan is developed with key actions. This can be accessed via the 'Accessibility Plan' tab below.

School makes every effort to support children and parents/carers whose first language is not English. There are services available to translate and work with children on a regular basis to support their language development where appropriate.

Who can I contact for further information?

Your child’s class teacher is your first contact if you wish to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have.

Alternatively, you can arrange to speak the Inclusion Manager (Mrs S Rohman) or Pastoral Manager (Miss C Wood). Please contact the school office on 0161 723 3416.

For information about the support the Local Authority provide, please click the link below. Any complaints regarding SEND can be directed to the Headteacher - Mr R Jones; Chair of Governors - Dr M Horne or the Bury Local Authority.

Or if you prefer to speak to someone please call Bury SEND team on  0161 253 5969.